Tuesday, May 6, 2008

You are what you eat!

I'm not much of a gardner. Perhaps it's because I don't have a green thumb. Or maybe because I don't have my own land to plant a garden. However, I do believe that avatars should have a balanced diet. But since we don't have a Whole Foods in Second Life, an organic fruit and vegetable garden is the next best thing.

I wrote an article called "Food for Thought" at The Slooking Glass magazine online. You can read more about my healthy nutrition adventures and what I found beyond the gardens of Second Life... (besides a blueberry muffin).

Although you may think because I exercise in-world that I don't need to worry about weight, cholesterol, triglyceride levels, and high blood pressure - you're wrong. There may not be true physiological side-effects to unhealthy eating, but there are great psychologically benefits to having healthy items in your inventory.