Never underestimate the power breathing. Even avatars need to take a few moments out of their day to breathe. And this afternoon was no exception. I was running around doing interviews for my next article and stopped by the Mystic Academy for Jane Atkey's "floating meditation' class.
If you haven't had the chance to attend her class, it is superb! Her voice resonates as she guides you through several breathing exercises and mindful . In fact, it was exactly what I needed today.
You can watch me meditate here.
Tuesday, April 15, 2008
Mid-day Meditation
Monday, April 14, 2008
Childhood memories...
Who doesn't like a good state fair? Don't all kids long for cheap rides, fortune tellers, and cotton candy? I entered SL as an adult so I'm a bit unsure of what children like these days, but I imagine most ferris wheels and clowns are things childhood dreams are made of, right?
After a day of following the Arizona (Real Life) Ironman triathlon, I decided to explore (or create) my childhood and relax a bit at the fair. Now, a carnival may not be your idea of relaxation. And had it been packed with people and lagging in connection, I would agree with you. But it was completely empty and avatar-free! That equaled no waiting and no lines! (And lots of cotton candy!)
Okay, for some, deserted theme parks seem borderline 'creepy' - an backdrop perfect for an episode of Max Payne. But I didn't care. Sometimes a girl just wants to let loose and have a little fun...
Monday, April 7, 2008
Relay for Second Life
Although the Relay for Second Life is still a few months away, I'd encourage you to start training! If you go to the American Cancer Society headquarters in SL, you'll see the major efforts that have already been made in preparation for the event. Groups have teamed together to raise awareness and funds - so be sure to donate your Lindens to the cause.
Here, I'm looking at the wall of those who survived and were beaten by cancer. Just another reminder at how precious RL and SL can be...