Sunday, December 23, 2007

Mindful Explorations

Today, I enjoyed a personal day in-world. I took my 'health & fitness correspondent' hat off and devoted time exploring my virtual self. Who is Kix? What is my purpose in this second life? Do I extend across various dimensions? Do I exist autonomously or am I a part of something greater? (Are these even my own thoughts?)

My afternoon began with a group Tai Chi session. I've always enjoyed participating in Tai Chi in a group. A powerful energy is often generated during a synchronous practice, everyone moving in unison. I spent a solid 15 minutes intensifying my practice - listening to the sounds of the birds chirping and water flowing in the park and simply being conscious through every posture.

Later, I discovered OkoKun Meditation Island (98, 138, 30)! What a delightful find! A wonderful place to learn and expand your knowledge on meditation and mindfulness practice. In fact, I attended an introductory lesson on meditation where the discussion focused on moving from "a pointed mind" towards "no mind" - interesting.

I sat quietly, absorbing these ideas, quickly becoming aware that I was actively still processing these concepts... then, I was thinking about the fact I was having thoughts about how I was processing these concepts... recognizing that in order to realize these concepts, I had to let my realizations go... easier said, than done... I resorted to start by focusing on my breath, first... inhale, exhale.

I loved my day today!

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